Tools For Spiritual Growth

Tools For Spiritual Growth – What are they?

Spiritual Growth is not optional, rather it is a necessity for every believer. God’s desire for us is that we grow to maturity in all dimensions; spirit, soul, and body. A lot of Christians define spiritual maturity as the level of one’s biblical literacy. Sufficient knowledge of the Word of God does not mean you are mature spiritually. Maturity is birthed from intimacy with the Holy Spirit; a deep and personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. We must daily desire intimacy with the Holy Spirit in order to keep growing spiritually so that we can reflect the true image of Christ. 

Essential Tools for Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is the most important dimension of growth when it comes to the triune nature of man. This is because man can only relate to God and access His blessings through the spirit. There are several vital tools for spiritual growth. They are:

Studying the Word:

The Word of God is a catalyst for Christian growth. The more we feed on it, the more we will grow. Whether you are a new believer or one who has been on the narrow road for quite some time, feeding your spirit man is something you must never neglect. In a world as busy as ours, it is so easy to totally neglect study of the Word or stick to once a day rush routine without really spending time with the Holy Spirit. The same Word that brought us to life ought to sustain us every day.

In 1st Peter 2:2, Peter writes, “Like newborn babies, you should crave [thirst for, earnestly desire] the pure [unadulterated] spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto completed salvation. Here, Peter tells us that in order to become spiritually mature, we have to study the Word, craving for it more than anything else. The comparison between the babies’ milk and the spiritual milk shows how indispensable the Word of God is. It is the spiritual milk of every believer. No matter how busy we are, we cannot afford to be careless with the study of the Word. We must prioritize the Word over everything else because it is our treasure. The Holy Spirit who dwells in us is always available to teach us. We on the other hand, have to show up for classes so we can grow.

Meditating on the Word

Another tool for spiritual growth is keeping your mind stayed on God. Study and meditation go hand in hand. You can spend all day meditating on a part of the scriptures you studied earlier. It is possible to do this and still go about your daily activities. Worry is a form of meditation, you know. You can spend time thinking on God’s Word rather than worrying [Phil 4:8]. The Holy Spirit leads you deeper into comforting truths that you were not aware of while you meditate. Do this daily!

Develop a Bible Study Plan:

It is important that you do not depend so much on devotionals that you’d rather stick to a routine bible study life than let the Holy Spirit lead you. Devotionals are good especially for new believers who are still trying to find their feet. However, they only provide us with more excuses for not digging deeper. Have a study plan aside from your devotional study routine. Bible study guides, commentaries, concordance and online materials are additional materials that spice up your study time.


Prayer is our lifeline to God. We may have over-familiarized ourselves with prayer yet it can become a whole new experience for you. We should let the Holy Spirit brooding over our prayer life. Daily prayer is not going to cut it this time. You have to pray without ceasing; staying in constant communion with God even while going about your daily activities.


As alien as this may sound, speaking to someone about Christ helps you grow. It teaches you complete dependence on the Holy Spirit, trusting Him to fill your mouth with words. You will also learn to walk with boldness and confidence. Family, friends, fellow workmates… are all people that God has brought into our lives; most of which need to hear the gospel. It is our duty to lead them to the knowledge of Jesus.


Spiritual growth is a daily pursuit, not something we do when we feel like it. I know it can be tough trying to pull through amidst our busy schedule. However, remember the words of Jesus; Where your heart is, there your treasure lies. These tools for Spiritual growth are great treasures that should not be neglected. We must hold on to them, that we may all be complete and proficiently equipped in every aspect of this life and the one hereafter.

Eternity is not just the goal. Growing to maturity in a love relationship with the Holy Spirit and living purposefully, is God’s desire for us as well.

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity – Definition

As co-laborers in the Lord’s vineyard, one important question we must ask ourselves daily as we advance in the Christian race is this: “Are we progressing spiritually as individuals and as the body of Christ or are we comfortable with status quo?”

Spiritual Maturity is that stage in the life of a believer where our lives reflect the true image of Christ; ‘fruit of the Spirit’. It is not attained when we merely confess Jesus as Lord over our lives. This is rather a deliberate process of growth that begins when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and continues as we submit daily to the Holy Spirit. This kind of maturity must be a priority for us and not just an after-thought. In a world where we are hit with ungodliness and profanity everywhere we turn, it is important that we seek earnestly to grow in our spiritual life; otherwise, we risk falling back into sin.

Spiritual Maturity – Importance

Growing spiritually is the most important dimension for growth when it comes to the triune nature of man; spirit, soul, and body. Physical and Intellectual growth is important to the wellbeing of man. This is because your essence is your spirit, which should not be neglected.

Another reason is that we worship God in Spirit. We ought to be willing to truly give up ourselves [offering our desires, possessions… as a living sacrifice] and follow Him. Ignoring this will not only displease God but may also cause others to turn away from God. Apostle Paul understood the need for this kind of maturity. In his letters, he took time explaining its importance and how to grow. His letters showed that spiritual maturity is a continuous process of growth; pressing on against all odds even in times when you do not feel like doing so. We grow to a point where our feelings do not matter more than honoring God.

The Holy Spirit dwells in us, yearning to teach us and direct us everyday. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us walk in the Truth of God’s Word so that we may be true examples of Christ. You on the other hand, have to reach out and lay hold of this treasure by yourself, exhibiting it in your actions even as the He works within you.

Growing into Spiritual Maturity

The evidence of spiritual maturity shows forth in the way we live and relate with people. The fruit of the Spirit, Love is such an easy word to say yet it is rare to find in the life of Believers. We have been given a command to love those who are around us, strangers or not. How can we say we love a God that we do not see when we are unable to love the ones around us? To love is a command. I know it is not an easy thing to do as I have at some point in my life struggled with loving people especially when it came to the area of helping strangers. This is why the Holy Spirit is there to train us and teach us how to love. Love ought to be the foundation of everything we do. Christ set the pace by dying for us as an act of love.

Attaining such height of spiritual maturity requires a lot of discipline. We have to learn to be obedient to the leadings of the Holy Spirit at all times whether the situation feels deserving or not. The tools which will help us grow spiritually are:

Studying the Word:

Paul advised us strongly not to neglect this Word of Truth. We ought to study to show ourselves approved, workmen rightly dividing the Word of Truth. You cannot grow if we do not study.

Meditating on the Word:

For Spiritual maturity, you need to be able to dwell in the presence of the Lord in spite of your busy schedule. In the place of meditation, the Holy Spirit leads you deeper into comforting truths that you were unaware of. Spend time daily doing this. Instead of thinking about all the negatives in our lives, choose to meditate on the Word of God [Phil 4:8].


Prayer is something that we have over-familiarized ourselves with and taken for granted. It can become a whole new experience for you when you let the Holy Spirit brood over your prayer life. Once a day prayer is not going to cut it this time. You have to pray without ceasing; staying in constant communion with God even while going about your daily activities.


Fasting is also another way of disciplining yourself spiritually. It could be a social media fast, Tv fast, the regular food abstinence fast we are used to or any other form of fasting.

Every one of these tools are important and must not be neglected. The process is not an easy one but we must every day yield ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will lead us to attain greater heights of spiritual maturity beyond imagination.

In conclusion, it is worthy to note that Spiritual Maturity is not in the excellence of our speech nor our knowledge of God’s Word. It is not in the number of hours we spend praying and fasting but in the life we live every day.

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Bible Verses For Women

The identity of women has been misplaced. Bible verses for women are essentials to read for women of all ages. This is because we now let the society decide and dictate to us what is lawful and what is not. These standards leaves us feeling empty and frustrated after trying to keep up with their ever-changing demands. Let’s do a little exercise, shall we? I have compiled a few bible verses for women. Take your time to study and meditate on these bible verses.

Feel free to also share this bible verses for women with other women you care about.

bible verses for women




Bible Verses For Women – Her Purpose

The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So, the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So, the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. -Genesis 2:18-24

Bible Verses For Women – Her Design

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value… She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue… Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Proverbs 31:10-31

Her Design

In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. -1st Timothy 3:11

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. –Proverbs 14:1

A foolish child is a father’s ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like the constant dripping of a leaky roof. -Proverbs 19:13

It is better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. –Proverbs 21:9

Bible Verses For Women – Her Love

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which He is the Savior. –Ephesians 5:22-23

Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. -1 Peter 3:1-2

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good… –Titus 2:3-5

Bible Verses For Women – Her Beauty

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission… –1 Timothy 2:9-15

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. –Proverbs 31:25

God is within her, she will not fall. –Psalm 46:5


Bible Verses For Women – Her Strength

Under His wings, you will find refuge. -Psalm 9:1

Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. -Philippians 4:6-8

By the grace of God, I am what I am. -1 Corinthians 15:10

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. -Proverbs 3:5-6

Her Strength

Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her. -Luke 1:45

Be strong, brave and fearless. You are never alone. -Joshua 1:9

Mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you. -Psalm 93:4

And in Christ you have been brought to fullness. -Colossians 2:10

Her Strength…

God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. -2nd Tim 1:7

Bible Verses For Women – Her Future

“For I know the thoughts and the plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. -Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still. -Exodus 14:14

I will never leave you or forsake you. -Joshua 1:5

Her Future

You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way. -Song of Solomon 4:7

Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong. -Ephesians 2:19-22

My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:26


It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from inside you –the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear and it is worth very much to God. -1 Peter 3:3-4

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. –Joshua 1:9

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. -Proverbs 31:26

It is worthy to note that

You can only get the true value of something when you focus on extracting everything useful from it until you become satisfied. That is the essence of this exercise. You get to know God for yourself, your identity in Him and His will for women. This way, you can stop looking to men for validation, identification and security.  You will start having the confidence in who you are in Christ.

Let these bible verses for women speak to your hearts whether you are a stay at home mom, a professional woman or for those women in ministry of there. 

God bless!

Bible Study For Women

Why do you need Bible Study For Women?  Do you sometimes wish you can have a refreshing time with God all by yourself? Isn’t it hard at times to walk by the Spirit? Aren’t you sometimes consumed by your emotions?

Well, you are not alone! Many women face the same challenges you face. And that why using a nice Bible study for women helps a great deal. Sometimes the struggle is towards understandiBible Study for womenng what the Word is saying, other times it’s knowing where to begin studying from.

If you are struggling to have a consistent Bible study for your personal spiritual growth or women’s group, look no further. You are right on schedule! Bible studies for women is a way to help women allow God’s work to fill their hearts, helping them reach spiritual maturity.

Examples of  Bible Study For Women

Some of the Bible studies that help women’s ministries, small groups and most especially individuals experience the transforming power of Christ through the Word of God, include:

Believing God by Beth Moore 

This is a full year Bible study for women. It provides a weekly personal study experience for you. Viewers guides for the group video teaching sessions are available as well. This women’s study guide based on Isaiah 43:10, explores God’s intention for Christian lives and how the life of a believer should look. Using this guide, Beth encourages women not to remain paralysed with unbelief but to build their faith in God daily. Get it here.

True Woman 101: Divine Design by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Mary Kassian

This is an 8-week topical Bible study that lays a solid biblical foundation on what it means to be a Godly woman. It teaches God’s purpose for creating the woman. The study guide reminds us that the world does not define us neither should we try to define ourselves. Each week includes a daily power-packed lesson which can be discussed during group meetings for the purpose of digging deep. You get to discover who you are in Christ and be the True Woman he created you to be. Get it here

Redeemed by Angela Thomas-Pharr:

This 7-session Bible studies for women is a guide for any woman who has chosen to live the life of the redeemed. This guide teaches you to allow the Word of God renew your mind and transform your life. In this guide, Angela Thomas-Pharr explores the practical side of redemption, leaning upon Jesus for everything we need. To dig deep, you can study alongside other women. This will help you and the other women grow through study time together and prayer. Get it here

Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman by Beth Moore:

For those who have felt inadequate, threatened, or forced into situations that seemed overwhelming, this is the Bible study for you. Beth Moore engages in a very personal examination of the old testament Queen Esther. She shows us a woman who did not let her emotions control the destiny of her people. Rather, Esther sought and trusted God for deliverance. This guide peels back the layers of history and shows how very related and applicable the story of Esther is to our lives today. There are video sessions, downloadable to your PC which will help in your study. Get it here

Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy by Kelly Minter:

A lot of women have dealt with loss in one way or another. If you’ve ever felt devastated, struggled as a stranger, or longed to be loved, this is for you. Studying about Ruth will give you a comfort and a way out of your misery. What better way is there to make the study exciting than using this study guide by Kelly Minter? This 6-week women’s bible study is the second study in the Living Room Series. It tells about Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. This study includes stories, recipes, a leader guide, interactive Website extras, and free bonus videos. Get it here

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver:

Being a woman can be overwhelming sometimes. Trying to balance your spiritual life, physical obligations to family whilst struggling with your emotions and chores as well can be tasking. This personal study is for women who struggle with this. The life of a woman today isn’t really all that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord’s feet but the daily demands of a busy world prevent you from doing that. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve Him yet you struggle with feelings of inadequacy. This bible study is for you. Get it here

Invisible War: What Every Believer Needs to Know About Satan, Demons and Spiritual Warfare by Chip Ingram:

So many Christians downplay or even ignore the existence of demons and spiritual warfare. Others believe strongly they exist. With such divergent views, how are Christians supposed to know the truth about demonic forces at work in this world? The Invisible War examines what every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, offering a balanced look at this controversial subject. This provocative book will help Christians understand what the Bible says about these threats and will show them how they can safeguard themselves and their families through prayer. Get it here

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer

This is a topical Bible study for women that teaches us what to do when God “interrupts” our life with the call, using Jonah as a case study. Instead of running like Jonah did, pick this study guide and have a rethink on your decision to run. Priscilla Shirer uses this 7-session Bible study to define what interruption really means, showing you that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our imagination and how much it pays to obey the call. When Jonah was finally willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was a revival in an entire city. You don’t have to run first before reviving an entire city. Get it here

Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry and Richard Blackaby

This personal study on Experiencing God is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Father. By understanding how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed. It also teaches how to discern and do God’s will in the midst of contradicting voices. Get it here

Breaking Free: The Journey, The Stories by Beth Moore:

This personal Bible study for women draws parallels between the captive Israelites of the Old Testament and New Testament believers in Jesus as the Promised Messiah. Beth explains that anything that hinders us from the benefits of knowing God is bondage. She uses the scriptures to help identify spiritual strongholds in your life, no matter how small. She examines the lives of the kings who ruled during the prophet, Isaiah’s ministry. Get it here

Not only will these Bible studies help you grow in your understanding of Scripture, but they will transform your relationship with God and with those around you.

Please note that on Amazon, most of this titles come in different formats, as workbooks, study books, leaders’ guide for small groups… Take note to chose the format you need.

Go here for more on Women in Ministry.

God bless You